Gross Sexual Imposition in Dayton

If you are accused of gross sexual imposition, you need to speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. Gross sexual imposition (“GSI” for short) is a strangely named and confusing crime which includes many different types of conduct and different penalties.

Gross Sexual imposition involves sexual contact (sexual activity short of actual penetration). Sexual contact becomes illegal under certain qualifying circumstances:

-when the contact is compelled by force
-when the other person is substantially impaired by drugs or alcohol
-when the other person is under thirteen
-when the other person is substantially impaired by physical or mental condition or old age.

Depending on how it is charged, gross sexual imposition is a felony of the third or fourth degree. Under certain circumstances, prison time is mandatory. If a person is convicted of gross sexual imposition in Ohio, they will be required to register as a sex offender.

If you or someone you love is accused of gross sexual imposition in the Dayton area, contact attorney Mark Babb at 937-318-1387 to discuss the circumstances and evaluate any defenses. Whatever you do, consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney before speaking to the police.